
Never Settle For Anything Less Than What You Desire

How to Sell Anything to Anyone by Telling Great Stories

Never settle – Don’t Ever Settle. Never Settle For Anything Less.  You have dreams for sure. We all have dreams and there are sometimes when we feel like we should just stop. Just do what every other person out there is doing. Get a good paying job and just settle.

Let me bust your bubble a bit here.

Don’t Ever Settle. When you are on your dying bed and you reminisce over how you’ve spent your life here on earth, you will surely regret not chasing that dream of yours. Is it travelling places, is it visiting the Grand Canyon or the Serengeti. You will be saying “I wish I did this or I wish I did that” but by then it will be too late and you would die with regret.

That’s not cool at all.

Never settle.

No matter what it is that you want in life you should chase it and get it. Never say “let me just do what others do”. It will haunt you later in life.

Imagine your kid comes to you one day and says he/she knows what they want to become in future and maybe they say a musician or a magician.

You say “no, you can never have a job becoming a magician”.

But you kid says “no, this is my dream and I must pursue it.”

What are you going to do?

Never Settle For Anything Less. Are you going to tell that kid that you also once had a dream but your dream was shattered because you became a “father” or because you did not have the guts and courage to pursue that dream to the end?

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Even the great Steve Hobs said it in his famous Stanford commencement speech.

You may be disappointed if you fail but you are doomed if you don’t try.

Moreover, failure at a particular task does not mean you cannot do it, if you persevere enough you will get what you want.

When you know or find what you want to become or do in life, get up, get it done. if you do not know how, ask. meet people and ask them for guidelines. most often than not they are usually very happy to help.

Unhappiness, frustration and depression is the hallmark of the man who had a dream but did not pursue it, especially when you are passionate about it.

I am not saying that it will be all rosy following your passion but all the efforts, all the wait, all the sleepless nights and the sweats will be well worth it when you get to your destination.

Never Settle for anything less than what you have aimed for.

Go out there and be a success.

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Written by Aba Forson

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